Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Last Week of American Idol Semis

It's the last week of American Idol Semi-finals. The last 2 weeks I've gotten 2/3 picks correct. That 3rd 'wildcard' spot gets me every time. I shouldn't be too bummed, DialIdol was pretty off last week too. DialIdol had 3rd placer Kris Allen fourth in the guys' category and sixth overall. They were betting on Matt Giraud or Jesse Langseth. I like how they take credit for the prediction anyways because of the margin of error; they predicted that Kris would place anywhere from 2nd to 6th out of the guys. Too bad you can't say that in Vegas!

Ok, ok. On to this weeks sucky performances. I didn't 'semi-live blog' this one. It was kinda impossible with my remote-happy wife skipping through the show along with the commercials. It's not like the judges say much anyways. Sorry if these performances aren't in order.

Von 'The Screamer' Smith- I don't even remember the song
-Wow, I don't like him. His performance was boring and he still screamed. He's forgettable.

Taylor "Hurricane" Vaifanua- Alicia Keys "If I Ain't Got You"
-The girl from southern Utah. Ryan pronounced the name of the city wrong. She sang Alicia Keys and sucked it up. She knew it; she cried after her performance.

Alex "Three Names"
Wagner-Trugman, again I don't remember the song
- He's scrawny and endearing. And can't sing. His dancing is even worse. Think Norman Gentle on low power.

Arianna "ABBA" Afsar - The Winner Takes It All, ABBA
- OK, so the song wasn't THE BEST choice. But I didn't think it was terrible at all. Besides the Vocal Olympics in the beginning I liked it. I would vote for her. So I don't understand why the judges are dissing her so much. Is it because Lil' Rounds is in this group? Kara has used the same two words for every pretty girl on this show, "package artist." Guess what words she didn't use this time. I'm not really a conspiracy theorist, but why are they dogging on someone who can sing, and sing well? I'm pulling for her.

Ju'Not "Juno/Juneau" Joyner
- His rendition of the Plain White Tee's hit was completely boring. Funny that they said that about Arianna, but not Ju'Not's. I think they want some ethnic diversity, because I was bored out of my mind.

Kristen "Karaoke Queen" McNamara
- She's a karaoke hostess and sounds like one. She ruins Tracy Chapman's "Gimme One Reason."

Nathaniel "Drama Queen" Marshall, Meatloaf "I Would Do Anything For Love"
- Ok. This kid is here for ratings, not for his singing ability. Funny story, Randi asked me what "That" is that he wouldn't do in the song. Hehehehehe.


Blogger hates me. I tried to post and I got detoured to sign in again. So the bottom half of my post is lost. Now blogger is mocking me by saving what I am typing right now.

I won't retype everything since it is 1:37 in the morning.

Felicia "Sloppy Seconds" Barton
-She replaced Joanna P. in the top 36 and should have stayed number 37.

Scott MacIntyre
-It's not polite to give blind people nicknames. He did really well. I really like this guy. He's sincere.

Kendall "Wait, who's Kelly Pickler" Beard
Kelly P. should sue her for using her likeness or identity theft or something. We've already had the blonde ditsy country chick. Her voice is weak and she picked a Martina McBride song. WRONG MOVE. Martina is the Celine/Whitney of Country music.

Jorge "The Brown Guy' Nunez
-even though everyone and their dog has sung this Elton John song, he does a great job. I would vote for him.

Lil' "I stole Mary J.'s Hair. What of it?" Rounds
-She sings last so we know that the producers want her in the top 12. She wasn't amazing but I like her personality.

Predictions? Lil' and Scott. I think the 3rd spot will go to Jorge. I really hope that it's not Ju'Not/Juno/Juneau.

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