Wednesday, February 25, 2009

American Idol 2nd Semis

Jasmine- Love Song, Sara Bareilles
Jasmine was ok. She was all over the place. That's basically what the judges said. Randi really, really likes that song and she didn't like her performance either. Big voice meets small song and so it sounded strained and forced.

Matt Giraud- Viva La Vida, Coldplay
OH MY... train wreck. He tried to do, "a soulful take on a white boy rock song," and failed miserably. The whole song sounded like he was singing while jumping on a pogo stick. His runs and embellishments were completely off key. I really liked him in Hollywood week, but this sucked.

Jeanine Vailes- This Love, Maroon 5
She didn't listen to the judges just destroy Matt Giraud and pretty much sang the same way, but sucked even more. She pulls the mic away when she tries to go higher to disguise the suck. It was bush league. Amateur and out of tune. She whines to the judges and America that she should make it because she is 28 and is "one of the oldest people in the competition," and has been, "singing for the past 14 years." Puh-lease - If you want to make it- learn to sing.

Norman Gentle aka Nick Mitchell- And I am Telling You... Jennifer Holiday
Ok. The producers are obviously pushing this character. It's a TV show and I get that, but someone with talent could have had the chance of a lifetime. He changes the words to the song, and its comepletely over the top. Imagine William Hung making it to the the top 36, but Hung has more talent and likeability. This is just ridiculous. This is straight out of the Gong Show. Where's the Gong? Please Gong him off. I'm fast forwarding. This is a joke that isn't funny.

Allison Iraheata- Alone, Heart
In a word- Awesome. I don't like her hair color, but it works on this 16 year-old rocker chick. She has a raspy voice that isn't overpowering and has a great tone. Her tone is solid and smooth. She hits the right runs perfectly and can hit the high notes. I love Heart and I love this song so I was a little worried, but it was very, very good. She has a timid personality, but I think that she will come out of her shell. Pretty much the best that I have seen this year. Rockers seem to do well in the competition, and I think Allison will go pretty far.

Kris Allen- The Man in the Mirror, MJ
Awkward. His missed the first few notes and a few along the way. It's a poor choice of song. I would never buy his CD if that is the kind of music that he puts out. There were no big notes. There was no flavor. There was no personality. The soulful songs are being sung by those with no soul and the ones with soul are singing songs without soul. Simon and Paula liked it, but I don't think he wil be moving on to the next round.

We're halfway through the show and there's only been one good singer and performer.

Megan Corkrey- Put Your Records On
I like her but I feel like there are already so many people she sounds like; specifically, Duffy and Adele who do a much better more soulful job. She sings awkwardly, swinging her arms and hand by her side like a little kid trudging to time-out. In the middle she kinda looses it and tries to regain composure. She has ZERO stage presence. HAHA- Randy even mentions Duffy and Adele and Amy Whinehouse! I could totally do his job. Ryan tries to dance the Corkrey, It's pretty Dorkrey. (Drums!)

Matt Breitzke (I think I'm going to call him Blitzkrieg)- If You Could Only See, Tonic
Ok, I'll admit it. I've never heard this song or of Tonic. I'm sure some will want to shoot me. It's a completely bland performance. You can tell that he has done alot of karaoke. It would be great for a minor bar performance, but for American Idol its completely basic. There was nothing there that moved me at all.

Jesse Langseth- Bette Davis Eyes
No Shot. It's a borrible song for AI. She isn't a horrible singer, but I really don't remember her and she has no personality. These contestants expect to get through on vocal merit alone, but that isn't the purpose of American Idol. You are here to sell CDs and concert tickets.

Kai Kalama- What Becomes of the Broken Hearted
Ok, he can sing. But hsi facial expressions KILL ME!. It's over animated. When he wants you to feel it he looks like he's constipated and trying to force something out. I'm not sold on the dong, but I think that he has alot of talent. I also like his personality. Simon calls him a 'backup singer.' I can see that, but I think there's more there.

Mishavonna Henson- Drops of Jupiter, Train
I really like this song, but I don't like her. She doesn't know how to use the mic. She holds it to close and oversings. She gets better in the middle of the song. She's not trying as hard and just trying to have a good time. I'm conflicted. Her name annoys me. The song was weird. The whole thing was weird. I shouldn't say weird, it was uneasy.

Adam Lambert- Satisfaction, The Stones
The producers stick the ones they want us to vote for at the end so we remember them. This kid is really weird. His moves his lips to one side and it creeps me out. He can rock, but I don't think I like him. Maybe I do. I'll say this, kid can sing. It's weird to think that he used to do Musical Theatre. The beginning was rough, but the end was actually really good.
Simon feels the same way that I do. It's unusual.

This group was better than the first, but it wasn't amazing.

My prediction is that it will be Allison, Adam and the 3rd person I think will be Kai.

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