Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Panic Attack

So I had quite possibly the biggest panic attack of my life today. I went to the testing center to take a final. I waited in line until my turn and had my blue(green) book and ID ready. The girl swiped my ID and asked me what class the test was for.

"Comm 3010. History of Mass Media," I said as I put my ID back in my wallet.

"Teacher?" she asked, puzzled.

I told her the teacher's name and the section number. She went over to the shelf where the tests are and came back with a giant list. She flipped through it and then asked me for my UVID number again.

"That test closed on the 28th - yesterday."

What?!?! "What do you mean closed? Like I can't take it? Because my teacher told us we had until Wednesday."

"Most teachers don't really know our policy. Finals are only in the testing center for 2 days," she sniped.

"Well what do I do?" I managed to squeeze out of my throat trying to keep tears from welling up in my eyes.

She told me that there was nothing that she could do for me and that I had to email my teacher and try to work something out. At this point I was so overcome that I could barely stand. My knees were buckling and all I could think was I'm going to fail!

The stupid girl made me sign 'the book' like I am in kindergarten or something to show that I was denied testing. I was so embarrassed that I ran to my car as fast as I could. I started to call everyone I could. I called Randi and got no answer. Crap! She's in meetings all day. I called my mom. Voicemail. Crap! Crap! Pick up someone! I tried my mom again and she answered.

"I need your help! I need a phone number and I'm not near a computer." I was talking as I drove to my teacher's office on the snowball's chance that she would be there.

I gave my mom my Blackboard information while she fought with her computer for about 10 minutes. I went to the office and saw no one. No one answered the door. I finally got the number and called my teacher.

"I'm Panicking! The testing center won't let me take my test!"

After she laughed at me and got me calmed down I learned that the testing center didn't tell her that she could only have a final in there for 2 days until it was too late to tell us. They also completely botched her final for another class.

So I get to take my final tomorrow before my Mediation Final. Crisis Averted.

I went home and took a nap. It's just too much stress for Finals week.

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