Monday, May 4, 2009

Dead Face

I went to the dentist today to have three cavities filled. Except for a routine exam last month this is the first time I've been to the dentist since I was 16 or 17. I thought three cavities wasn't all that bad for not going to the dentist for 6 years. I've never been a consistent flosser and that's what led to the cavities on the ends of my teeth.

I forgot how horrifying the dentist's can be and why so many people are afraid of going, including Randi. I had to close my eyes when the doctor stuck a giant needle in my right cheek. I was able to drown out the sounds of drills and other miscellaneous oral tools thanks to headphones cranking the sound from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade that played on a flat screen above my head.

The whole thing took about an hour and then I was left with dead face. I could barely talk coherently. I couldn't really drink anything because the right side of my lips couldn't feel a bottle or a glass. I didn't want to eat anything because I was afraid that I would bite my cheek and bleed unknowingly.

The dead face lasted for a few hours and once the numbness wore off my cheek and teeth hurt. I took some Tylenol and fell asleep when I should have been looking for a job.

I guess the moral of the story is that I should make sure I floss so that I don't have to do this again.

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